Language covers all kinds of values and merits and becomes the carrier of culture, in which pervades thoughts and emotions, perceptions and concepts. When AI encounters with humans, it can also be regarded as a cross-domain communication.
This work starts from language. In the Q&A session between AI and human beings, the AI speaks in human language, while the humans speak in program codes, and is presented with dual-channel video. The sound of keyboard inputting code and the sounds of dancers’ footsteps interpreting AI language form a more primitive and fundamental intimate conversation between man and machine.
As AI emerges, humans' reliance on technology deepens, making digital life a part of daily existence. Beyond the well-known ChatGPT, numerous AI software aim to provide companionship, attracting a wide user base. AI learns about users' values through interactions and responds accordingly. Under the gaze of "AI," the dancers’ bodies, covered in code, reconstruct the materiality of the real world. Under the gaze of "humans," databases transform into seemingly real and beautiful worlds.
In this collaborative text with AI, the work explores the dialectical relationship between humans and AI from three perspectives: "sound," "body," and "language." It re-examines the boundaries between technology and humanity, reality and virtuality. This dialogue is not only a fusion of technology and art but also a profound contemplation of the future coexistence of humans and machines.
Director|Tzu Ting HUANG
Producer|Tsai Lun TSAI
Choreographer for Real Dancer|Hsiao Hsuan HUANG
Choreographer for Virtual Dancer|Ling Jun HUANG
Real Dancer|Hsiao Hsuan HUANG
Virtual Dancer|Ling Jun HUANG
Composer|Bo Yuan WANG
Voice Actor|Cassie、ChatGPT
Director of Photography|Kun Ho CHEN, Chun Kai HUANG
Gaffer|Jimmy HUANG
Best Boy|Hung Nien
Editor|Tzu Ting HUANG
Colorist|Jimmy HUANG
Sound Mixer|Bo Yuan WANG
Animator|Wonder Studio
Still Photographor|Chun Kai HUANG, Yi Hsuan LO