About TAxT

In 2024, the world is swept up in a super AI craze, with topics like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and supercomputing shaping global developments and human competition. The Taoyuan Tech Art Festival remains closely aligned with these global trends, using the creative vision of artists to push the boundaries of technological imagination. Through various exhibitions and events, the festival invites public participation, aiming to achieve cultural equity between technology and art.
Taoyuan is a major hub for Taiwan's tech industry, and the Tech Art Festival has now entered its eighth year. Over the years, the festival has consistently collaborated with local tech industries, with partnerships evolving from hardware sponsorships to deeper creative collaborations. This year's festival features 14 groups of artists from Taiwan, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Italy, including three local Taoyuan artists. This highlights Taoyuan's strong connections with the global art scene and demonstrates the growing prominence of local tech art on both the national and international stages.
The concept was first proposed by philosopher Nick Bostrom in his book "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies," which how the fundamental threats from artificial intelligence could be caused against the future of human beings once it reaches or exceeds human intelligence is discussed.
The evolution from superintelligence into the "superintelligence domain" may lead to the technological singularity, which refers to the point at which fundamental changes will occur in human history after the capabilities of artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence. Upon the emerging of the technological singularity, new issues including changes in economic structures, the nature of working, and new ethical and legal challenges might follow. Although superintelligence domain brings great potential, it also generates widespread attention and discussion.